Key Health Data About Texas

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The date above indicates when the data became available.

Indicator Rank
Population Facts sources
2015 Census Population Estimates 27,469,114
% Poverty (2014) 13 17.7%
% Uninsured, All Ages (2014) 1 19.1%
% Uninsured, under Age 18 (2014) 2 11%
Adult Health Indicators sources
Adult Physical Inactivity Rate (2014) 8 27.6%
AIDS Cumulative Cases Aged 13 and Older (Yr-end 2014) 4 92,408
Alzheimer’s Estimated Cases among 65+ (2015) 4 340,000
Asthma Prevalence (2013) 49 7.3%
Breastfeeding Exclusively at 6 Months—from Births (2011, Percentage) 28 21.3%
Cancer Estimated New Cases (2015) 3 113,630
Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Population (2014) 13 496.1
Diabetes Percentage (2014) 17 11%
Drug Overdose Deaths, Aggregate Rates, Ages 12-25 All Intents (2011-2013) 34 6%
Drug Overdose Deaths, Aggregate Rates, All Ages, All Intents (2011-2013) 45 9.6%
Fruit Consumption per day, met recommendation (2013) 12 11%
Vegetable Consumption per day, met recommendation (2013) 25 8.4%
Human West Nile Virus, Total Cases (as of January 12, 2016) 2 252
Hypertension, Percentage (2013) 29 31.2%
Obesity Rates (2014) 11 31.9%
Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates, Ages 65 and Over (2014) 13 67.9%
Seasonal Flu Vaccination Rates, Ages 65 and Over (2014-2015 Flu Season) 43 72.3%
Syphilis, Primary and Secondary Cases, Rates per 100,000 Population (2014) 16 6.2
Tobacco Use – Current Smokers (2014) 48 14.5%
Tuberculosis Number of Cases (2014) 2 1,269
Child and Adolescent Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases Under Age 13 (Yr-end 2014) 5 407
Asthma - High School Students (2013) 12 24.1
Fruit Indicator High School Students (2013) N/A 29.4%
Vegetable Indicator High School Students (2013) N/A 10.8%
Immunization Gap, Precent of Children Aged 19 to 35 Months Without All Immunizations (2014) 2 36%
Infant Mortality Rates - Per 1,000 Live Births (2013 Final Data) 30 5.8
Percent Low Birthweight Babies (2014 Final Data) 22 8.2%
Percent Obese High School Students (2013) N/A 15.7%
Obese: Percent of 10 to 17 Year Olds (2011) 10 19.1%
Pre-Term Births Percent of live births (2014 Final Data) 10 10.4%
Tobacco: Current Smokers High School Students (2013) 18 14.1%
Public High School Dropout Rate (2011-12) 32 2.5%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Primary Care (As of 12/31/14) 386
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Mental Health (As of 12/31/14) 362
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Dental Care (As of 12/31/14) 268
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) -60,900
Indicator Rank
Population Facts sources
2014 Census Population Estimates 26,956,958
% Poverty (2013) 14 17.5%
% Uninsured, All Ages (2013) 1 22.1%
% Uninsured, under 18 (2013) 2 12.6%
Adult Health Indicators sources
Adult Physical Inactivity Rate (2013) 10 30.1%
AIDS Cumulative Cases Aged 13 and Older (2012 Yr End) 4 88,265
Alzheimer's Estimated Cases among 65+ (2025) 3 470,000
% Asthma Prevalence (2010) 36 12.8%
Percent Exclusive Breastfeeding at 6 Months--from Births (2011) 20 16.8%
Cancer Estimated New Cases (2014) 2 115,730
Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Population (2013) 11 498.3
Diabetes 2013 Percentage 13 10.9%
Fruits and Vegetables (5 or more times a day) (2011) 28 17.1%
Human West Nile Virus Cases (as of 12/15/14) 2 345
Hypertension (2013) 29 31.2%
Obesity 2013 Percentage 15 30.9%
% Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates 65 and Over (2013) 16 67.9%
% Seasonal Flu Vaccination Rates 65 and Over (2013) 17 63.4%
Syphilis Rates per 100,000 Population (2013) 12 5.7
% Tobacco Use - Current Smokers (2013) 46 15.9%
Tuberculosis Number of Cases (2013) 2 1,222
Child and Adolescent Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases Under Age 13 (2012 Yr End) 5 397
% Asthma - High School Students (2013) N/A 24.1
Fruit Indicator High School Students (2013) N/A 29.4%
Vegetable Indicator High School Students (2013) N/A 10.8%
Immunization Gap, % of Children Aged 19 to 35 Months Without All Immunizations (2013) 31 25.9%
Infant Mortality - Per 1,000 Live Births (2010 Final Data) 29 6.1
% Low Birthweight Babies (2013 Final Data) 18 8.3%
Obese - 2013 High School Students N/A 15.7%
% Obese - 10 to 17 Years Olds 10 19.1%
Pre-Term Births % of live births (2013 Final Data) 16 12.3%
Tobacco: Current Smokers High School Students (2013) 18 14.1%
High School Dropout Rate - % 2011-2012 32 2.5%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Primary Care (As of 12/31/14) 363
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Mental Health (As of 12/31/14) 341
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Dental Care (As of 12/31/14) 248
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) -41,900
Indicator Rank
Population Facts sources
2013 Census Population Estimates 26,448,193
% Poverty (2011-2012 2-Year Average) 10 17.2%
% Uninsured, All Ages (2012) 1 24.6%
% Uninsured, under 18 (2012) 3 15.6%
Adult Health Indicator References sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases Aged 13 and Older (2011 Yr End) 4 85,710
Alzheimer's Estimated Cases among 65+ (2025) 3 470,000
% Asthma Prevalence (2010) 36 12.8%
Cancer Estimated New Cases (2013) 3 112,230
Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Population (2012) 14 494.8
Human West Nile Virus Cases (as of 12/03/13) 4 165
% Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates 65 and Over (2012) 35 70.3%
% Seasonal Flu Vaccination Rates 65 and Over (2012) 21 59.4%
Syphilis Rates per 100,000 Population (2012) 7 6.3
% Tobacco Use - Current Smokers (2012) 32 18.2%
Tuberculosis Number of Cases (2012) 2 1,233
Child and Adolescent Health Facts sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases Under Age 13 (2011 Yr End) 5 396
% Asthma - High School Students (2011) N/A 21.4%
Fruit Indicator High School Students - 2011 (95% Conf Interval) 29.9%
Vegetable Indicator High School Students - 2011 (95% Conf Interval) 10.7%
Immunization Gap, % of Children Aged 19 to 35 Months Without All Immunizations (2012) 10 35.2%
Infant Mortality - Per 1,000 Live Births (2010 Final Data) 29 6.1
% Low Birthweight Babies (2012 Preliminary Data) 19 8.3%
Pre-Term Births % of live births (2012 Preliminary Data) 13 12.4%
Tobacco: Current Smokers High School Students (2011) 21 17.4%
High School Dropout Rate - % of 9th- to 12th-graders who dropped out of public schools (2009-10) 33 2.7%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Primary Care (As of 12/31/13) 341
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Mental Health (As of 12/31/13) 314
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Dental Care (As of 12/31/13) 221
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) -41,900
F as in Fat Indicators sources
Obesity, % Adults (2012) 29.2
Diabetes, % Adults (2012) 10.6%
Physical Inactivity, % Adults (2012) 27.2%
Hypertension, % Adults (2011) 31.3%
Obesity, % High School Students (2011) 15.6%
Overweight or Obese, % of 10 to 17 Year Olds (2011) 19.1%
Indicator Rank
Population Facts sources
2012 Census Population Estimates 26,059,203
% Poverty (2011) 12 18.5%
% Uninsured, All Ages (2011) 1 23.8%
% Uninsured, under 18 (2011) 2 15.4%
Adult Health Indicator Resources sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases Aged 13 and Older (2010 Yr End) 4 82,258
Alzheimer's Estimated Cases among 65+ (2025) 3 470,000
% Asthma Prevalence (2010) 36 12.8%
Cancer Estimated New Cases - (2012) 3 110,470
Chlamydia Rates per 100,000 Population (2011) 15 496.6
Human West Nile Virus Cases (as of 12/11/12) 1 1,739
% Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates 65 and Over (2011) 30 70.4%
% Seasonal Flu Vaccination Rates 65 and Over (2011) 21 59.1%
Syphilis Rates per 100,000 Population (2011) 15 4.6
% Tobacco Use - Current Smokers (2011) 37 19.2%
Tuberculosis Number of Cases (2011) 2 1,325
Child and Adolescent Health Facts sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases Under Age 13 (2010 Yr End) 5 398
% Asthma - High School Students (2011) N/A 21.4%
Immunization Gap, % of Children Aged 19 to 35 Months Without All Immunizations (2011) 30 25.1%
Infant Mortality - Per 1,000 Live Births (2009 Final Data) 32 6
% Low Birthweight Babies (2011 Preliminary Data) 17 8.5%
Pre-Term Births % of live births (2011 Preliminary Data) 12 12.8%
Tobacco: Current Smokers High School Students (2011) N/A 17.4%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Primary Care (As of 12/31/12) 355
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Mental Health (As of 12/31/12) 327
Health Professions Service Shortage Areas Dental Care (As of 12/31/12) 229
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) -41,900
F as in Fat Indicators sources
Obesity, % Adults (2012) 19 29.2%
Diabetes, % Adults (2012) 14 10.6%
Physical Inactivity, % Adults (2012) 8 27.2%
Hypertension, % Adults (2011) 21 31.3%
Obesity, % High School Students (2011) N/A 15.6%
Overweight or Obese, % of 10 to 17 Year Olds (2011) 10 19.1%
Indicator Rank
Key Health General Indicators sources
Total Population 25,674,681
Uninsured, % All Ages (2010) 1 24.6%
Uninsured, % 18 and under (2010) 2 16.3%
Adult Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases, 13 & Older (2009) 4 79,568
Alzheimer's Estimated Cases, 65+ (2025) 3 470,000
Asthma Rates, % Adults (2010) 36 12.8%
Cancer, Estimated New Cases (2011) 4 105,000
Chlamydia, Rates per 100,000 Population (2010) 12 484
Human West Nile Virus, New Cases (2011) 8 26
Seasonal Flu Vaccination Rates 65+ (2010) 23 67.2%
Syphilis, Rates per 100,000 Population (2010) 12 5.0
Tobacco, % of Adult Current Smokers (2010) 34 15.8%
Tuberculosis, Number of Cases (2010) 2 1,385
Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates, 65 and Over (2010) 22 68.5%
Child and Adolescent Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases, under 13 (2009) 5 399
Asthma Rates, % High School Students (2009) 19%
Immunization Gap, Children Aged 19 to 35 Months without All Immunizations (2010) 27 29.9
Infant Mortality per 1,000 Live Births (2008) 28 6
Low Birth Weight Babies (2009) 17 8
Pre-Term Labor, % of Live Births Born Pre-Term (2009) 11 13%
Tobacco, % High School Students Current Tobacco Use (2009) 21.2%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Primary Care (FY 2011) 444
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Mental Health (FY 2011) 357
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Dental Care (FY 2011) 250
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) -41,900
F as in Fat Indicators sources
Diabetes, % Adults (2011) 15 10.2%
Hypertension, % Adults (2011) 21 31.3%
Obesity, % Adults (2011) 10 30.4%
Physical Inactivity, % Adults (2011) 11 27.2%
Exclusive Breastfeeding, % at 6 Months (from Births 2009^) 16 13.7%
Fruit and Vegetable Intake, % Adults 5 or more times a day (2011) 28 17.1%
Obesity, % High School Students (2010) N/A 15.6%
Overweight or Obese, % of 10 to 17 Year Olds (2007) 20 32.2%
Fruit Intake, % High School Students 2 or more times a day (2011) N/A 29.9%
Vegetable Intake, % High School Students 3 or more times a day ? (2011) N/A 10.7%
Indicator Rank
Key Health General Indicators sources
Total Population 25,145,561
Uninsured, % All Ages (2009) 1 26.1%
Uninsured, % 18 and under (2009) 2 16.5%
Adult Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases, 13 & Older (2008) 4 76,674
Alzheimer's Estimated Cases, 65+ (2010) 3 340,000
Asthma Rates, % Adults (2007-09 average) 38 12.4%
Cancer, Estimated New Cases (2010) 4 101,120
Chlamydia, Rates per 100,000 Population (2009) 17 435.4
Human West Nile Virus, New Cases (2010) 4 89
Syphilis, Rates per 100,000 Population (2009) 7 6.8
Tobacco, % of Adult Current Smokers (2007-2009 average) 24 18.6%
Tuberculosis, Number of Cases (2009) 2 1,501
Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates, 65 and Over (2007-2009 average) 7 64.4%
Child and Adolescent Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases, under 13 (2008) 5 396
Asthma Rates (Lifetime), % High School Students (2009) N/A 19%
Immunization Gap, Children Aged 19 to 35 Months without All Immunizations (2009) 41 26.1
Infant Mortality per 1,000 Live Births (2007) 37 6.3
Low Birth Weight Babies (2007) 23 8.4
Pre-Term Labor, % of Live Births Born Pre-Term (2007) 14 13.6%
Tobacco, % High School Students Current Tobacco Use (2009) N/A 21.2%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Primary Care (FY 2010) 2 440
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Mental Health (FY 2010) 1 344
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Dental Care (FY 2010) 2 244
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) 2 -41,900
F as in Fat Indicators sources
Obesity Rates, % Adults (2008-10 average) 12 30.1%
Hypertension Rates, % Adults (2005-09 average) 25 27.2%
Diabetes Rates, % Adults (2008-10 average) 13 9.6%
Adult Physical Inactivity (2008-10 average) 9 27.5%
Percent Exclusive Breastfeeding at 6 Months – from Births 2007 16 11.1%
Fruit and Vegetable Intake, Adults (2009) 28 23.9%
Obesity Rates, % High School Students (2009) N/A 13.6%
Fruit and Vegetable Intake, % Students (2009) 31 21.3%
Medical Costs of Obesity, Per Capita (2003) 34 $0
Obesity Rates, % Children (2007) 7 20.4%
Indicator Rank
Key Health General Indicators sources
Total Population 24,326,974
Uninsured, % All Ages (2009) 1 25%
Uninsured, % 18 and under (2009) 1 21%
Adult Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases, 13 & Older (2008) 4 69,735
Alzheimer's Estimated Cases, 65+ (2010) 3 340,000
Asthma Rates, % Adults (2007-09 average) 38 12%
Cancer, Estimated New Cases (2010) 4 96,320
Chlamydia, Rates per 100,000 Population (2009) 21 365
Human West Nile Virus, New Cases (2010) 5 62
Syphilis, Rates per 100,000 Population (2009) 10 5
Tobacco, % of Adult Current Smokers (2007-2009 average) 35 19%
Tuberculosis, Number of Cases (2009) 2 1,510
Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates, 65 and Over (2007-2009 average) N/A 0%
Child and Adolescent Health Indicators sources
AIDS Cumulative Cases, under 13 (2008) 5 392
Asthma Rates (Lifetime), % High School Students (2009) N/A 20%
Immunization Gap, Children Aged 19 to 35 Months without All Immunizations (2009) 28 22.7
Infant Mortality per 1,000 Live Births (2007) 29 7
Low Birth Weight Babies (2007) 21 8.4
Pre-Term Labor, % of Live Births Born Pre-Term (2007) 14 14%
Tobacco, % High School Students Current Tobacco Use (2009) N/A 27%
Other Public Health Indicators sources
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Primary Care (FY 2010) 2 407
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Mental Health (FY 2010) 1 272
Health Professions Shortage Areas - Dental Care (FY 2010) 2 218
Nursing Shortage Estimates (2010) 2 -41,900
F as in Fat Indicators sources
Obesity Rates, % Adults (2007-09 average) 13 29%
Hypertension Rates, % Adults (2005-09 average) 25 27.2%
Diabetes Rates, % Adults (2007-09 average) 9 9.8%
Adult Physical Inactivity (2007-09 average) 9 28%
Percent Exclusive Breastfeeding at 6 Months from Births 2007 16 31%
Fruit Intake, Adults (2009) 22 0%
Vegetable Intake, Adults (2009) 31 22%
Obesity Rates, % High School Students (2009) N/A 13.6%
Fruit and Vegetable Intake, % Students (2009) 22 31%
Medical Costs of Obesity, Per Capita (2003) 34 $241
Obesity Rates, % Children (2007) 7 20.4%

The date above indicates when the data became available.

Public Health Preparedness sources
Public Health Funding: State increased or maintained funding for public health from FY 2013 to 2014 and FY 2014 to 2015. N
Flu Vaccination Rates: State vaccinated at least half of their population (ages 6 months and older) for the seasonal flu from Fall 2014 to Spring 2015. Y
Childhood Immunization School Requirement Policies: State either excludes philosophical exemptions entirely or requires a parental notification or affidavit to achieve a religious or philosophical exemption for school attendance. Y
HIV/AIDS Surveillance: State requires reporting of all (detectable and undetectable) CD4 (a type of white blood cell) and HIV viral load data to their state HIV surveillance program. Y
Syringe Exchange Programs: State explicitly authorizes syringe service programs (SEP). N
Climate Change and Infectious Disease: State currently has climate change adaptation plans completed. N
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections: State reduced the standardized infection ratio (SIR) for central line-associated blood stream infections between 2012 to 2013. N
Public Health Laboratories: State laboratories reported having a biosafety professional from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Y
Public Health Laboratories: State laboratories provided biosafety training and/or information about courses for sentinel clinical labs in their jurisdiction from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015. Y
Food Safety: State met the national performance target of testing 90 percent of reported Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157 cases within four days. N
Public Health Funding: Increased or maintained level of funding for public health services from FY 2012-13 to FY 2013-14. Y
Preparing for Emerging Threats: State scored equal to or higher than the national average on the Incident & Information Management domain of the National Health Security Preparedness Index. Y
Vaccinations: Met the Healthy People 2020 target of 90 percent of children ages 19-35 months receiving recommended ≥3 doses of HBV vaccine. Y
Vaccinations: Vaccinated at least half of their population (ages 6 months and older) for the seasonal flu for fall 2013 to spring 2014. N
Climate Change: State currently has completed climate change adaption plans - including the impact on human health. N
Healthcare-acquired Infections: State performed better than the national standardized infection ratio (SIR) for central line-associated bloodstream infections. N
Healthcare-acquired Infections: Between 2011 and 2012, state reduced the number of central line-associated blood stream infections. N
Preparing for Emerging Threats: From 7/113 6/30/14, public health lab reports conducting an exercise or utilizing a real event to evaluate the time for sentinel clinical labs to acknowledge receipt of an urgent message from lab. Y
HIV/AIDS: State requires reporting of all CD4 and HIV viral load data to their state HIV surveillance program. Y
Food Safety: State met the national performance target of testing 90 percent of reported Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157 cases within four days. Y

The date above indicates when the data became available.

Indicator Rank
Public Health Funding Indicator sources
ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program Funding by State 2014 $15,859,228
State Public Health Budget FY 2013-2014 $589,908,925
State Public Health Budget Funding Per Capita FY 2013-2014 30 $22.30
Federal Funding for Public Health from U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) FY 2014 $510,036,228
CDC Per Capita FY 2014 37 $18.92
Federal Funding for Public Health from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) FY 2014 $457,929,116
HRSA Funding Per Capita FY 2014 46 $16.99
CDC Programs sources
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) $542,173
Birth Defects, Developmental Disabilities, Disability and Health $740,553
CDC-Wide Activities and Program Support $6,268,434
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion $17,632,688
Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases $2,047,231
Environmental Health $310,669
Health Reform - Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion $2,500,997
Health Reform - Toxic Substances & Environmental Public Health $0
HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STI and TB Prevention $50,058,883
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases $19,842,231
Injury Prevention and Control $3,248,622
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health $4,364,128
Public Health Preparedness and Response $37,940,151
Public Health Scientific Services (PHSS) $494,505
Vaccines for Children $364,044,963
World Trade Center Health Programs (WTC) $0
HRSA Programs sources
Primary Health Care $196,093,378
Health Professions $42,053,859
Maternal & Child Health $59,102,544
HIV/AIDS $156,731,241
Indicator Rank
Public Health Funding General Indicators sources
State Funding Per Capita FY 2010-11 35 $20.74
State Funding for Public Health FY 2010-11 $521,636,021
Public Health Funding Indicator sources
ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program Funding by State 2012 $26,394,469
Federal Funding for Public Health from U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) FY 2012 28 $20.4
Federal Funding for Public Health from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) FY 2012 $467,406,983
HRSA Funding Per Capita FY 2012 42 $17.9
State Public Health Budget FY 2011-2012 $478,338,289
State Public Health Budget Funding Per Capita FY 2011-2012 34 $18.4
CDC Programs sources
CDC Funding Per Capita FY 2011 28 $20.39
CDC Programs sources
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) $595,070
Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities $1,567,847
Cancer $9,727,859
Chronic Disease Prevention/ Health Promotion (All Other) $2,466,449
Diabetes $881,488
Environmental Health $1,341,118
Heart Disease $316,997
HIV/AIDS $35,961,752
Vaccine for Children $368,470,821
Injury Prevention and Control $3,158,658
Nutrition / Physical Activity $102,140
Occupational Safety & Health $2,141,598
Influenza (including supplemental funding) $0
Public Health Scientific Services (BRFSS) $95,815
School Health $1,042,379
Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response $36,740,115
Tuberculosis $9,405,307
Infectious Diseases (All Other) $1,250,056
Preventive Health Service Block Grants $3,298,914
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) $7,138,335
Tobacco $1,795,474
PPHF/Other Affordable Care Act $18,468,737
Section 317 Immunization Program $17,472,175
CDC Programs sources
CDC--Prevention and Public Health Fund/Other ACA $18,468,737
Community Guide/Community Preventive Services Task Force $0
CTGs $11,526,158
Comprehensive Chronic Disease Prevention $2,140,710
Environmental Public Health Tracking $0
Epi and Lab Capacity Program $1,835,273
HAIs $0
Immunization Programs $700,842
Prevention Research Centers $0
Public Health Infrastructure $1,299,998
Public Health Prevention Research $714,286
Public Health Workforce $0
Tobacco $251,470
CDC--Section 317 Immunization Program $17,472,175
HRSA Programs sources
Primary Health Care $211,680,164
Health Professions $44,322,219
Maternal & Child Health $55,251,591
HIV/AIDS $151,713,150
HRSA Total (FY2012) (All Programs) $467,406,983
HRSA Funding Per Capita FY 2012 $17.9
Indicator Rank
Public Health Funding General Indicators sources
State Funding Per Capita 37 $18.61
State Funding for Public Health FY 2009-2010 $467,937,759
ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program $28,404,362
CDC Programs sources
CDC Funding Per Capita 26 $21.13
CDC--Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) $571,508
Federal Funding for Public Health from U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) FY 2010 $531,437,240
CDC--Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities $2,456,882
CDC--Cancer $11,607,888
CDC--Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion (All Other) $2,599,264
CDC--Diabetes $1,009,627
CDC--Environmental Health $1,675,086
CDC--Heart Disease $555,178
CDC--HIV/AIDS $36,227,462
CDC--Infectious Diseases $1,603,274
CDC--Influenza (including supplemental funding) $1,087,828
CDC--Injury Prevention and Control $3,236,691
CDC--Nutrition / Physical Activity $691,812
CDC--Occupational Safety & Health $1,657,886
CDC--Preventive Health Service Block Grants $4,122,744
CDC--Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response $42,875,215
CDC--School Health $1,495,394
CDC--Section 317 Immunization Program $16,405,748
CDC--Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) $6,723,446
CDC--Tobacco $1,873,879
CDC--Tuberculosis Elimination $9,907,835
CDC--Vaccine for Children $379,081,725
HRSA Programs sources
HRSA Funding Per Capita 35 $17.66
HRSA HIV/AIDS Grants $153,771,739
Federal Funding for Public Health from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) FY 2010 $444,048,043
HRSA Child and Maternal Health Grants $50,753,054
HRSA Primary Health Care Grants $167,028,360
HRSA Health Professions Grants $72,494,890
Related State Economic Indicators sources
Poverty 2006-2008 3 Yr Average (90% Conf Interval) 6 16.3%
Indicator Rank
Public Health Funding General Indicators sources
State Funding Per Capita 42 $15.83
State Funding for Public Health FY 2008-2009 $392,308,428
ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program $26,204,300
CDC Programs sources
CDC Funding Per Capita 22 $21.28
Federal Funding for Public Health from U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) FY 2009 $527,314,822
CDC--Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) $572,337
CDC--Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities $2,246,869
CDC--Cancer $11,054,656
CDC--Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion (All Other) $2,017,388
CDC--Diabetes $976,813
CDC--Environmental Health $1,693,386
CDC--Heart Disease $705,745
CDC--HIV/AIDS $33,376,504
CDC--Infectious Diseases $1,722,369
CDC--Influenza (including supplemental funding) $1,164,422
CDC--Injury Prevention and Control $3,419,333
CDC--Nutrition / Physical Activity $868,326
CDC--Occupational Safety & Health $1,145,514
CDC--Preventive Health Service Block Grants $3,990,969
CDC--Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response $42,440,244
CDC--School Health $1,769,249
CDC--Section 317 Immunization Program $7,329,326
CDC--Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) $6,877,534
CDC--Tobacco $2,037,958
CDC--Tuberculosis Elimination $8,698,679
CDC--Vaccine for Children $393,207,201
HRSA Programs sources
HRSA Funding Per Capita 41 $18.62
Federal Funding for Public Health from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) FY 2009 $461,532,444
HRSA HIV/AIDS Grants $156,444,661
HRSA Child and Maternal Health Grants $43,668,676
HRSA Primary Health Care Grants $199,851,900
HRSA Health Professions Grants $32,235,241
Related State Economic Indicators sources
Poverty 2006-2008 3 Yr Average (90% Conf Interval) 6 16.3%
Indicator Rank
Public Health Funding General Indicators sources
State Funding Per Capita 44 $16
State Funding for Public Health FY 2007-2008 $381,626,020
ASPR Hospital Preparedness Program $28,988,249
CDC Programs sources
CDC Funding Per Capita 31 $17
Federal Funding for Public Health from U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) FY 2008 $417,444,172
CDC--Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) $273,805
CDC--Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities $2,162,678
CDC--Cancer $11,128,352
CDC--Chronic Disease Prevention/Health Promotion (All Other) $3,459,124
CDC--Diabetes $1,317,818
CDC--Environmental Health $1,508,763
CDC--Heart Disease $547,158
CDC--HIV/AIDS $33,877,565
CDC--Infectious Diseases $2,641,841
CDC--Influenza (including supplemental funding) $957,310
CDC--Injury Prevention and Control $3,445,513
CDC--Nutrition / Physical Activity $777,346
CDC--Occupational Safety & Health $889,773
CDC--Preventive Health Service Block Grants $4,237,055
CDC--Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response $43,211,012
CDC--School Health $647,580
CDC--Section 317 Immunization Program $0
CDC--Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) $6,157,007
CDC--Tobacco $796,499
CDC--Tuberculosis Elimination $8,952,835
CDC--Vaccine for Children $290,455,138
HRSA Programs sources
HRSA Funding Per Capita 39 $14.27
Federal Funding for Public Health from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) FY 2008 $341,164,609
HRSA HIV/AIDS Grants $150,053,709
HRSA Child and Maternal Health Grants $42,128,869
HRSA Primary Health Care Grants $114,240,000
HRSA Health Professions Grants $15,741,632
Related State Economic Indicators sources
Poverty 2006-2008 3 Yr Average (90% Conf Interval) 4 16%